Alcohol Awareness

About us

This website is made by ex alcoholics aiming to make this world a better and safer place. A safer place by bringing 'alcohol awareness' among every human being.

Take a look at these images. Is this something you recognize? Could be in your own life or someone else's life. But these kind of situations is where a lack of alcohol awareness is running the show.

Alcohol is great until you start to forget things and start hurting yourself and other people.

Your braindriller

The brain damage that you're risking isn't worth the trip. And than the constant inner battle, should I take one or not? One more or enough? What about tomorrow? This constant battle is running the show. How much work could you have done if you were not drinking all the time? Who is avoiding you because your drinking habit?

Your inner battle

Just give yourself a break and even if you're not ready to stop drinking totally we strongly recommend you to have a look at this article.